ANEWENTRY, INC.’s has existed for nineteen years under the leadership and Founder Peter Daniels. Peter created this organization to provide community reentry and personal integrity support for individuals rebuilding from losses associated with homelessness, incarceration and addiction.
Peter Daniels and the Board of Directors approved this past October to promote from within. They are elated to announced Soleece Watson as its new Executive Director. Soleece has been with the organization for nine years working in various positions and has shown exemplary leadership throughout her years with ANE. It was unanimous that she was and is the best candidate to take the helm. Soleece brings a new perspective to her role. As a matter of fact, in just a few short months in she has achieved major milestones taking ANEWENTRY, INC. to bigger heights while expanding its community outreach. Some of these milestones include:
- Acquiring the purchase of its current and neighboring square footage lot and is in first phase of architectural planning on adjoining facility focused on residential housing for the homeless.
- Submitting, presenting, and receiving of a 3.5 million dollar grant from Austin’s Commissioner’s Court to assist with construction on the current rehabilitation and expansion project.
- Increased community organization partnerships joining hands with others to accomplish like-minded goals to impact our homeless
- Increased staff accountability, responsibility by creating incentive programs and being transparent on organization-wide updates increasing moral and employee community involvement.
These are just a few of Soleece’s many accomplishments. She is dedicated to improving and enriching the clients, employees, and our community. We couldn’t ask for a better human being!
Please join us in congratulating Soleece Watson in her new role as Executive Director!